Support Local Food Banks and Food Aid groups:
visit Churches Together In Penzance
Area's Food
Bank page on Facebook for this week's donation priorities.
here for latest updates from Transformation Cornwall, then scroll down to 'Churches
Together in Penzance Area (CTIPA)
Foodbank' ... and also to 'Hayle Foodbank' ... for current needs
& info.
Cornwall' is an ecumenical charity that strengthens faith based
social action in Cornwall)
Collecting boxes are in our churches and
also in local shops and
Money donations are also welcomed via the Churches Together CTIPA
website. Can also be gift aided.
Churches Together in Penzance Area Breakfast Project
information is here
+ 2022 newsletter
+ publicity flier.
Supporting homeless and vulnerable people in our community since 1999, it is based at
the Breadline
* Penzance
Street Food Project - info on Facebook
(is part of 'Growing links')
* Food for Families
Penzance CIC on Facebook - reducing food poverty in Penzance + West Cornwall
Mary's Meals provide daily school meals to more than two million
children, in 19 countries across the globe. It costs
only £19.15 to feed a child for a whole school year. Their
mission is to provide a daily meal in a place of learning to
attract chronically poor children into the classroom, where they
receive an education that can be a ladder out of poverty.
Giving talks for churches is a huge part in raising
awareness and vital funds. As volunteers were unable to
do this in Covid restrictions, founder Magnus sent a video message.
|| Watch the short
films Child
31 and Generation
video -
how Mary’s Meals is feeding hungry children through the pandemic,
with personal reflections on how faith is bringing hope and comfort
~ video "Love
Reaches Everywhere".
prayer from The Trussell
Trust: Loving God, Thank you for your
love and kindness. You are a God of mercy, justice, and compassion,
and yet we acknowledge that these qualities are not always
reflected in our lives, in our community, and in our society. Help
us to respond to suffering, poverty, and hunger in ways that usher
in your kingdom: to see people as you see them, to share your
loving-kindness in the darkest situations, to challenge injustices
that trap people in poverty, to build a future that sets people
free, so that everyone can share in the fullness of life, that
Christ offers to us all. amen.
January 2023 v 22.05 ê¿ê
